Monday, September 30, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Forty-Nine

The Reality of It All

Yesterday was just as crazy a day as any other day this trip. 
But yesterday had one thing that the others didn't: Reality Olympia...the first church Adam and I ever attended together.
We spent our Sunday morning praising with old friends...friends who played a tremendous role in challenging and changing our lives for the Gospel. We've forever grateful and thankful for their genuine, overflowing passion for the Lord. And we're especially excited about what God's doing in Adam's hometown.

12 hours passed before we sat down here.
At a little bar outside the terminal, an hour before our 6 hour flight from Seattle to Jacksonville was scheduled. We had a VERY long night/day ahead of us, so we decided to enjoy one little drink together before our lives turned another level of hectic. Inhale. Exhale. We got this. Just not a home yet...

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