Monday, August 5, 2013

Day Six Hundred and Ninety-Three

The One Thing He Won't Miss

It's not the long road trips or the crappy paychecks or the doubleheaders or the expensive dues, the below-average food, shagging BP, or even the ridiculously unnecessary extreme high humidity that all combine to make minor league baseball a grueling 6-month grind. Nope. All of those, Adam accepts without complaint. But once he makes The Show - if that, in fact, is something we're blessed to experience - THIS is the one thing about minor league baseball Adam will miss the very least. The immediate day after every start, the starting pitcher is tasked with filming specific hitters and every single pitcher that enters the game for the night. It's a job that's just about as tiring as the actual start itself because that morning, the guys complete a leg workout and then walk up and down the stadium stairs to film from various locations for 3 hours. If he's tasked to film a right handed pitcher, he heads over to the third base line to record. And when a left handed pitcher comes in, he walks to the other side of the stadium - the first base side - to record from there.  It's all for a good cause - the guys they film use the recordings to check their swings and mechanics, enabling them to speed up their learning curve - and Adam is happy to do it.  But when you get to the Bigs, it's sayonara camera. Adios. Hasta luego. That job is someone else's business...all the more reason to get there, I say!! :)

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