Friday, March 8, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Forty-Four

The First Marlins Appearance

Before the good stuff...the boring.
I had an MRI on my shoulder yesterday. 20 minutes in that noisy tube was not my idea of a good time...

But this. This is certainly my idea of a good time.
Yesterday, Adam got to travel with the team to Port St. Lucie, where the NY Mets call home for Spring Training. He was told that most likely, he'd just throw a bullpen and that maybe he'd go in. Well, he hadn't made an appearance with the "A" team yet, so I wasn't thinking it was going to happen...

Then, in the bottom of the 5th, Adam got off the bench and started throwing. So did another guy. A righty. The butterflies started swarming as I imagined the scene that could possibly unfold in front of me. When the bottom of the sixth came along though, Adam wasn't called in. Neither was the righty. Ok...he's just throwing a pen today. Rats.

There he is running out to the mound!
Immediately, I called my Mom. "He's in! Mom, he's in a real game! Oh my gosh! He's on the mound! I'm crying! I don't know what to do!" I seriously have so much to learn. Hahaha.

Coach handed the ball to Adam...

And he started throwing his warm-up pitches! He'd already completed almost an entire bullpen prior to this, so I can only imagine that he was plenty warm and full of adrenaline. I mean, I was and I wasn't even doing anything!

Adam faced one hitter in the bottom of the sixth with 2 outs and 2 men on base. He threw five pitches and retired the batter on a strikeout swinging. (!!!!!!!!!!!)
(Above is a video of the whole thing!)

There he is, walking off the field after his 1/3 inning of work.
I am so proud of you, Adam.

The final score. The Marlins lost.
But the Conleys won :)

Here's the ticket.
I'll be keeping this one nice and safe!

A panoramic view of a most beautiful and memorable day.
Yesterday was magical. And if the future looks anything like it did on March 7th, then there's going to be plenty of smiles, butterflies, and tears coming from this Conley wife.


  1. my heart is soooooo happy for you both. Good days ahead. congrats and blessings!

  2. I had the biggest grin on my face the whole time I was reading this post :D Yayayay!!!

  3. What an exciting day! I could feel the excitement in your posting, love watching the video! Petries are so proud of both of you! You both are living a very special dream and sharing it with the rest of us is a blessing! Thank you!
    PS: On a side note I ordered necklace #2 this one for me! I received my daughter in laws on Thursday and love it, can't wait to have mine. :)
    Take care sweet girl!
