Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Twenty-Four

The Stubborn Mistake

This workout landed me...

And it's all my fault. 
Just for the record. I killed that workout. But if not for my stubbornness, I wouldn't have ended up with a jacked up shoulder, sitting in the ER, with angry nurses all around me. Whoops. At about my fourth round in the workout, I started feeling something weird in my shoulder. A pain that I'd never felt before. I just attributed it to the fact that I had completed 31 kipping pull-ups all by myself, and kept on pushing it. Well, that turned out to be the worst idea. By the end of the workout, my burpees were lopsided and my remaining pull-ups were done with a thick band. And when I finally got home to assess the damage, I realized that I couldn't lift my arm - it hurt too bad. Not from soreness, but from something else. Ugh. I texted Adam and he requested me to go see a doctor, but I hate the doctor, so I didn't go. By the time he got home at 3:30, he was upset that I hadn't really done anything about my ailing shoulder and explained to me that if I tore my labrum or rotator cuff, it could really mean bad things for my future...ok...enter: tears. He knows too much about arm and shoulder injuries to let this one go, so he took me to the ER (since all the orthopedic surgeons were already home from work at 4 PM). Turns out the ER was mostly useless. We thought they might take an MRI, but instead, they took x-rays. Uh? Apparently, that's protocol. Not surprisingly, the x-rays were clean. So, they gave me two prescriptions, a sling, and a referral to an orthopedic doctor to call on Monday. To go along with my ER "band-aid," I got a rather nasty comment by the doctor, "Well, your husband might play baseball, but if he knew anything, these sorts of injuries (torn labrums) really only happen to pitchers on teams like the Phillies." Thanks's not like my husband plays professional baseball for a living or anything. UGH! I said nothing in return - just held my tongue like I always do. I hate confrontation, but that was really mean and maybe I should have stuck up for myself and my Adam. 

Lesson learned:
STOP working out when you're injured. Finishing the workout only makes it worse. 
And to think I've been an athlete almost my whole life and have just now come to that most obvious conclusion. Exhale. Hopefully I didn't do any serious damage. I love Crossfit too much to take a break.


  1. Check out Dr. Christopher Adams if you need a good doc. He is the best in S. Florida.

  2. Kendall,
    I pray it isn't anything terrible. I had the same type of injury that was an impingement (SP). Physical therapy helped. It can nag on occasion but nothing bad. I had that happen when Kylee was 1month old, JT was 20months and Hannah was 3 1/2yrs old. Not a good time to not be able to use your right arm.
    We'll be praying you recover quickly.
