Monday, September 5, 2016

Day Eighteen Hundred and Nineteen

The Other Kind of Fish

He's a Fish on the field. And off.
And so is his little girl.
Amelia's newest achievement is her willingness to lay back in the pool, letting the water fill her ears! She does this of her own asking too! One day, she was adamantly against it and the next, she's floating on her back with ONE Daddy hand holding her up!! Our original plan was to get her into swim lessons immediately after season ends, but at this rate, our tadpole will be swimming on her own before we get to the end of September! Crazy!! So so so proud of you, Amelia! She loves the water more and more every day and would spend hours in it if we let her - which we did yesterday! 3 hours, to be exact!! My wrinkly baby sure enjoyed the offset with her wrinkly Dada and sick-feeling Mama.

Baseball news:
Adam threw his first bullpen today since landing on the DL. He said that he's feeling better and better, but that he's not built up yet (as expected). It'll take some time to get him back into game-ready shape, but he's on the mend and feeling stronger. His hand is no longer swollen (his palm was incredibly swollen for around a week) and his finger, though feeling a little dull, is healed up nicely as well. We were never given a definitive cause or diagnosis of injury, but there is educated speculation that he tore something in his finger, causing bleeding into his palm, which then caused inflammation, leading to another possible small tear in his hand. This explains both the pain in his finger and hand. The best hand doctor in the country couldn't diagnose him with 100% certainty because he wasn't able to see Adam immediately after it all happened, but after reviewing the new MRI from a week ago, the doctor said the injuries have healed and there is no sign of lingering damage. Now, it's all about building the strength in his arm back up to pitching 6 or 7 MLB innings, with care that his hand continues to progress as well. It's been a wild second ride on the DL and though I was pretty bummed by the news at first, Adam has thrived during this time, using this setback as a testimony to those around him on the DL that he doesn't normally get the opportunities to talk to. I'm always so encouraged by Adam's outlook on his career and his family, and even more so in his relentless pursuit of God's character and will for his life. It would be so easy for him - for anyone - to let the DL consume his mindset in a negative way, but he realizes the great purpose and divine calling to this specific opportunity in his life and he's not letting it be lost on him. I love you so much, Adam. You're such a light in this world and someone I look up to with tremendous respect and admiration. Thank you for teaching me what it looks like to find joy and purpose in all circumstances. 

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