Sunday, June 26, 2016

Day Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Eight

The Favorite Fellowship Day

Yesterday was Fellowship Day at Marlins Park. After the game, fans and friends crowded around a stage to listen to a concert by Tripp Lee, followed by an interview session with the players. Adam was asked to give his testimony to the crowd of hundreds and faithfully, he spoke his heart. 

It was humbling to see him up there witnessing to strangers about the Jesus he knows and loves. The Lord has done such a mighty work in Adam since he became a Believer five years ago and it's so plain to see that his life has been changed forever, in a way that is more beautiful than any of us could've ever imagined. His obedience to God's calling has brought so many incredible opportunities to share his talents and treasures with the world and I'm so thankful that I get to stand by his side - or at least near it ;) - while he takes the message of God's redeeming love wherever he goes. Thank you for being such a light to this team and to this city, Adam. And to me as well. I am blessed dearly to be called your wife.

During the game, we had our own little "fellowship" gathering of the Marlins wives to celebrate our "Favorite Things." Each of the ladies brought their own favorite item to the party to share with everyone else, and so by the time we left, each girl took home 22 of each other's favorite things! It was like mini-Christmas in June! These girls are a treasure and so genuine. I am so grateful for their friendships.

Meanwhile, Amelia was down in the playroom, all dressed up in the new dress Grandma bought her! She played nearly the entire game without me there, but after a meltdown in the eighth inning, Mama came a-runnin! She's getting a little less sensitive about me leaving, but the girl is still attached to my side every chance she gets. Thank you though, BabyGirl, for giving me a little time with my friends yesterday!! Mama needed it!

Especially after being locked up in the house for three straight days trying to get my "favorite thing" completed!!! Ha!

So, turns out besides Jesus, Adam is totally my favorite thing. And ever since I was gifted my Silhouette printer from Auntie Kim, it has become one of my favorite hobbies. SO, since I couldn't necessarily give Adam to each woman - I'm not sure he...or they...or their husbands would've approved! - I decided that I would figure out a fun way to give them their husband! I asked the team photographer to snap a quick photo of each guy on the list (another of my favorite things - photography!) and then I went to town. I used an online photo editor to create the shadowed look of their faces and once saved, I opened the images into my Silhouette software...finagled with the photos a little more, printed them out onto heat transfer vinyl, ironed them onto t-shirts and ta-da!!! Husband/fiance/boyfriend shirts for everyone!! And because I couldn't leave out my very favorite thing, on each of the images, I printed one of my favorite verses:

"We love because He first loved us." 
- 1 John 4:19

I was hopeful that the shirts would be received well - and they were. This project - though tiring and tedious - was a joy for me to create and something that helped me to consider and reflect on each girl separately. As I printed and ironed each of their men onto their shirts, I prayed over each couple specifically, and my hope is when they wear them, they think about - even for a second - why they're able to love the one they do the way they do.

Love you girls <3

Thanks for all my NEW favorite things!!!

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