Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day Nine Hundred and Forty-Eight

The Return of Happy Mail

Confession: I hate mail.
It's lame. It's grown up. And it's never happy.
Pay this bill.
Please respond.
Want another credit card? Here, have a twelfth.

How about NO.
 I don't want another bill. I don't want to respond. And I certainly don't want another credit card. Oh, and that fiftieth auto insurance quote promising unmatched deals? Yeah, can you work your magic savings on my food bill too? I didn't think so.

My question to the world: Whatever happened to happy mail? 
Maybe if my bills and bank statements were written on flowery paper and stamped with a fat yellow smiley face, I'd be more inclined to actually open it. Oh, and chocolate-scented too? Shoot, I'll pay twenty bills and take that twelfth credit card! 

But…no. Instead, it's shoved off to the side in all it's lameness and eventually buried under the rest of my unopened eyesores. Oh, the agony! 

Want to make the world a better place? Send happy mail. 
It's 100% frown-proof. That's a fact.
And I learned the other day through my best good friend Pinterest, that you can send mostly anything without an envelope if it's under 13 oz. Come again? Yes, it's true. Don't have a box? Want to send flip flops? Well, just put a stamp on them and poof! Off to Grandmother's house they go! Wanna be romantic? Send a message in an actual bottle! Stamp the bottle and ta da! You just got yourself that third date. You're missing out on Easter with your family for the fourth year in a row? Send some goodie-filled plastic eggs to your little nephew with a folded up letter explaining how much you love him…and how much more Jesus loves him too! Voila! Instant toddler joy and instant FaceTime calls on Easter from your family. 

Happy mail.
Sending smiles…one stamp at a time.

Now…who needs my address? ;)