Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day Nine Hundred and Fifty

The Secret Church

In many countries, being a Christian is against the law.
Christ-followers are jailed, beaten, tortured, excommunicated, and even sometimes killed for their profession of faith in Christ.
Because of this truth, Believers in persecuted countries are forced to meet in secret. Religious freedom  is not an option where they are, and therefore, this is the only way they can worship the Risen King.

Periodically, Believers from around the globe meet together for a night of intense Bible study; learning the Word and praying for our brothers and sisters in persecuted countries. This happens through a live simulcast, taught by Dr. David Platt, founder of Secret Church and pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama.

Last night, on Good Friday - the day that Jesus sacrificed His life for mine on the cross - 60,000 Christians from all fifty states and 80 different countries, came together from 6PM until 1AM for a time of worship, prayer, and instruction.
What a beautiful night.
And what a beautiful Savior.

1 comment:

  1. So jealous! David would be the one to lead something like this!! Awesome!
