Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day Nine Hundred and Twenty

The 17th Birthday!

Hey guys! Long time, no talk! It's me, Trace! Remember?
My mom made me SO HAPPY yesterday when she told me Kendall was coming over to hang with me. I like her. She has lots of freckles. And she feeds me bananas really good. She makes sure it doesn't get all over my face and I like that. She's also really cozy. I like to fall asleep on her instead of in my crib. Promise not to tell her…but yesterday, I fake cried three different times in my crib so she would hold me as I napped. I just like to be cuddled up next to her. And I especially like when she plays with my hair and I wake up with a mohawk. Mohawks are cool. So, since the last time you saw me, I learned how to walk, even though I'm not all the way good at it yet. Sometimes I fall. But it doesn't hurt, so I get up and be a man. That's what my dad taught me. He's smart. Oh, and I really like Mickey Mouse. Today, Mickey taught me the days of the week. Kendall was singing along with Mickey and teaching me the days of the week song. She doesn't have a good singing voice, but that's ok. You don't always have to be the best at everything. Well, except at baseball. I'm going to be the best at that. I hope Kendall gets to come back again soon. I'll miss her when she moves away.

After hanging with Trace yesterday morning, mine was a busy afternoon spent errand running and cake beautifying. And no, I did not say cake baking or decorating. There weren't enough hours in yesterday's day for that. Rats! Thankfully, Publix creates gorgeous cakes, so I picked this gem up and spent what time I did have putting some special finishing touches on it!

Because a woman like this most definitely deserves something special!
The BIGGEST and loudest birthday wishes go out to a very dear friend of mine. She's spunky and fun and has the sweetest heart around. Every time I'm near her, I feel so at home. Thank you for being such an encouraging and lovely role model for me, Sondra. Your friendship blesses me more than you know! Happy 17th Birthday!!! I love you!

Adam pitched today (Thursday) in Port St. Lucie. I'll post tomorrow about it!

1 comment:

  1. awe.....thanks......I feel very celebrated. Thank you sweet Kendall for your words of love and encouragement. Love you so much
