The Third Time's a Charm?
We've been waiting since September - when last season ended - for this very day. Haha. Round 3. Here we go again! Adam's third Spring Training has officially begun and we're both very excited to see what these next six weeks will bring. I got up early with Adam yesterday to spend our last moments of the offseason together before he opened our front door and walked out into the (partially) unknown.
It's sort of an unsettling feeling (I'm speaking for myself) to realize that in just a few weeks, our lives could - and will - be changed dramatically. Countless outcomes play over in my head, all with the finality that we'll leave Apartment #5 and be on to something different. It's scary. It's exhilarating. But most of all, it's humbling. Humbling that God would choose us to carry the weight of multiple moves to unknown places, while praising and spreading His name everywhere we go. It's a beautiful thing that Adam is able to use the talent Christ gave him as a means for our livelihood, but even more than that, as a means for spreading the good news of the Gospel. As we enter into this third full season, we're excited for baseball. We're excited for fastball movement and nasty sliders. We're excited for firsts and we're excited for lasts. We're excited for late nights. For new places. New faces. But most of all, we're excited to see how the Lord uses us to touch - and change - the lives of those around us. Baseball 2014, here we come! And maybe this year, third time's a charm? ;)
Speaking of the unknown…already this season (and it hasn't even begun yet), Kyle and Sue have had to change their plans and faithfully trust that the Lord would provide them a home before the start of Kyle's Spring Training with the Mets in Port St. Lucie. The Johnsons drove five days straight from Idaho to Florida this week, with the assumption that the house they had lined up for the next 6 weeks would be available to them upon arrival. Well, as we've learned over and over in baseball - and even generally in the way of life - things don't always go as planned. So when the news came on their last day of travel that they'd need to find a new home, they chose not to panic, made some phone calls, and just trusted in the Lord. And sure enough, not only did they find a place to stay, but they have friends just 40 miles South of Port St. Lucie that could take them in until they did. Yep, us!
Last time we saw these two, they had just put their faith in Jesus and were getting dunked (a silly way to say baptized) into a gigantic pool at a resort in Miami during a Christian baseball conference. And to see how much they've already grown - together and separately - in just two months is such an encouraging testimony to the love and mercy, forgiveness, grace, and freedom that can only be found through Christ. We are so happy to have them with us for the next couple nights and are grateful for the time to catch up, learn, and grow more together.
I did want to mention that Adam's first day of Spring Training 2014 went well. Day One is mostly testing. All sorts of testing. Height, weight, body fat, blood, pee, heart rate, eye, fitness, physical exam…those sorts of tests. It takes the entire morning to complete. But I'm happy to announce that he's gained 18 pounds since September, weighing in at 216 with 14% body fat. Yeah Babay! His legs look more like tree trunks now than branches (I was going to say twigs, but Adam often reads these posts and I don't want the evil eye), and his upper body is wider (broader?) than it's ever been. Wide, not to be confused with fat. I probably didn't have to reiterate that. Adam and fat are as much oxymorons as are Obama and Republican. Anyways, he's in Group 2 - whatever that means - and more ready than ever to get going.
Spring Training 2014, LET'S DO THIS!
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