Monday, December 16, 2013

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty-Six

The Time I Sat Outside a Gun Range. Alone.
(Sad Face)

When appropriate, I leave my purse at home. Like, when we go to dinner. Or when we go to the beach. Or whenever we go anywhere that Adam is in charge of the bill. Which is mostly most the time. I normally only take it with me when it's just me…or when we go to church when I pack my purse with fourteen hundred pounds of Bible and books. Yesterday, I wasn't by myself. And I wasn't going to church. So, I left it at home. 

Turns out, you need a driver's license to shoot a gun. Adam obviously knew that and accidentally overlooked the fact that I didn't walk out of the condo with my bag. Rats. So, while Adam shot his new gun, I sat and read my new Kindle, with my new gun by my side…glaring at me. We live 12 miles from the range we're members of, so driving back wasn't really an option. Nor was wasting the gas and nobody getting to shoot. Lesson: learned.

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