Monday, December 2, 2013

Day Eight Hundred and Twelve

The 6 Foot Compromise

Don't let Adam's happy smile fool you. There's a Grinch hiding behind those pearly whites. I had to work for this tree. Like, some serious lip pouting, long face, puppy dog eye kind of work. Good thing: it always works on my Hubs. If you can believe it, Adam was first trying to persuade me not to even pick out a tree at all. Excuse me? No tree for Christmas? Yeah, no. So then, he tried to tell me that we should get a tiny, wee little itty bitty miniature one. No, Honey! Geeze! Meanwhile, I'm over here all pumped up about the potential of a 10 foot tree. I got an evil stare in return for that thought. So, we compromised. And this beauty is the product of that compromise. Yay!!

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