Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day Eight Hundred and Forty-One

The Girl Can Hanstand
The Guy…Well…

So yeah, he might (might) have me edged out with the fastball…but I think I definitely got him on the handstand! Hooray for wife victories! ;) 

Also of note yesterday…Adam gave me the nicest compliment he's ever given me on the field, "Honey, that was the best pitch you've ever thrown!" Hooray for double wife victories! I'm having such a good time playing catch with Adam and waaaaaay thankful that my dad taught me a thing or two about how to catch and throw a ball all those years ago.

Oh…and…yesterday, Adam got another step closer to figuring out the ever-so-elusive slider he's been working on these past few years!!! He's excited. Me too.

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