Friday, November 8, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Eighty-Eight

The Girl Who Tried to be My Mom

Hey guys! It's me again! The name's Trace...just in case you forgot.

I got to spend the whole yesterday with some spotted skinned girl who tried to be my mom. I wasn't impressed. At least not at first. The whole morning, all I wanted was a little milk. So she came at me with the cold kind. What do I look like, a grown-up? Give me the warm kind, lady! AHHHH, I said WARM. Not scalding hot!! No, I don't want more! You're not my mom! Get that thing outta my mouth. Somebody put me outta my misery. Where's my mom? Ok, I'll just fall asleep. Maybe when I wake up, Freckles will be gone.

Nope. Still here. At least she's not harassing me with milk anymore. I'm still hungry though. Oh, you brought me carrots?! I love carrots! YES! Oh, and you're going to feed them to me?! Ok, I kinda like you now.

Ok, I like you more and more as the seconds pass. Hey, you're pretty awesome after all. Wanna play with me? You'll take me to the pool? You'll sing me some songs? You'll come over again, right? YAY!! I like you, Kendall! Just don't bother with the milk. That's Mom's job. 

Oh, and did you hear?! After Kendall left me yesterday, she completed her "How to Become a Better Substitute Workshop," making her one step closer to her days as a teacher! I hope when I grow up, she's my substitute. 

Love, Trace.

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