Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Fifty-One

The Fifth Move in Two Years

Good thing Adam and I have big muscles.
Because yesterday, we moved an entire storage unit worth of stuff up three floors and down two halls before arriving home.

And we did it all by ourselves!!
See that Cal King?! The one I've been missing for 6 ENTIRE months?!
Well yesterday, I worked hard for my bed. I've been missing it so much that I was willing to sweat the sweat and endure the pain in moving that huge thing from the ratty storage unit to the cozy oasis of our Jupiter bedroom! Ahhhhh!! So happy to see you, fluffy white friend!

Our home for the next six whole months!
Yeeeee! We're so happy! Instead of a 1-bedroom, we (for the first time) have a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom and all the space in the world to entertain! So, if anyone needs a place to visit in the next six know who to call!

And for your viewing pleasure:
Our makeshift shower "curtain" for the night.
It was once the protective wrapping our bed was covered in...
Fact: when your real shower curtain is nowhere to be found, you gotta do what you gotta do. I wasn't about to hop into my nice, clean bed with all that dirt, sweat, and grease all over me! 
We're home, we're home!!

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