Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Thirty-Six

The Bear's Pontoon

He's the happiest sleeper in all the land.

Little Bear likes to dream of honey.

And take baths.

And he even knows that his right hand is off limits.
We're in the process of developing a first rounder, here, duh!
Southpaw for life!

Auntie Kendall and Uncle Adam get to hang out with Bearett all week long - and all alone - from 9 till noon...and we're LOVING it. Well, except for the #2 diaper disasters. And not knowing how to properly attach the nipple to the bottle (we dumped TWO bottles down the front of Baby Bee yesterday). Other than that, this whole baby thing is a piece of cake ;) Then again, Bearett just happens to be the most calm and patient infants I've ever known. He's so easy to love! 

Last night called for a sunset family boat cruise with a couple of Ellie's friends from work!
See that pontoon? It was handmade by the owner! And it even has a fireplace onboard. Holy awesome.

They're the very best.
And so purty too!

Hunter and his new friend star gazing from the front of the boat!

Can't go wrong with an incredible group like this! 
Thanks for the little cruise date, Ron and Gale!

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