Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Eight

The Caveman-Approved Breakfast

So every day - every single day - since probably June 2011, my breakfast routine has been exactly that: a routine. An unchanging routine that I was more than content with. Actually, I was thrilled with it. Like, go-to-bed-excited-because-breakfast-was-only-8-hours-away kind of thrilled. I love food, and breakfast is easily my favorite meal. And for a year and a half, that favorite meal was a packet of Quaker Maple Brown Sugar (High Fiber) Oatmeal with a cut up nectarine mixed into the gooeyness. The heat of the microwaved oatmeal warmed up the refrigerated nectarine in the coziest way, giving me the most pleasant satisfaction. I strayed from my routine very rarely...only on special pancake days when I knew an ultra-sweaty workout was ahead of me. Pancakes with melted peanut butter and drizzled syrup...oh my stinkin goodness!

Well, my days of oatmeal and nectarines - and the occasional pancake - are long gone by now. Cavemen stole my perfect breakfast and gave it to my husband. I panicked for the first few mornings. I was miserable. I was angry. And very resentful. But then something magical happened: I found sweet potatoes! Oh my gosh. How did I not realize what I was missing?!! I just want to screeeeeeeeeeeeam! I love them to the moon and back! Crack a couple of eggs in there and wa-la! A most perfect breakfast fit for a cavewoman! And seriously, seriously healthy. Can't complain with that. And I don't even miss my oatmeal...well, at least not as much as I thought I would :)